Anastasia Wendt, 1:1 Coaching Success Story


“I carry 31 lbs of laundry for 3 Queens NY blocks and up 4 flights of stairs to my apartment! Thank you Artemis! ♥️💪🏼”


Anastasia Wendt, Age 34, Queens NY

“I first met Artemis back in DC when she was there and I took one of her kettlebell classes and it pretty much kicked my ass. So I always knew that Artemis knew what the hell she was doing.”
~Anastasia Wendt, 1:1 Coaching Client

I first met Anastasia 10 years ago in 2009 when her sister Stephanie, who has been training with me for 11 years since 2008, brought her as a guest to my Kettlebell Small Group Training Class at the commercial gym where I worked in Arlington, VA. At the time she was not into fitness so the kettlebell class kicked her butt but she absolutely loved it!

She later attended my women’s strength workshop, I Am Not Afraid To Lift®, in 2015 in NYC at Drive495 and then learned about 1:1 coaching with me from her sister and signed up to work with me.

When Anastasia started working with me, she did not have any structure to her weekly workouts. She would write random workouts on the fly right before she went to the gym. As a result, she was not seeing the progress and strength gains that she wanted in her training. In addition, she was not eating enough in general, and definitely not enough protein and veggies and too many bars and other processed food substitutes.

After she started working with me, and started to follow a structured training plan, she discovered that she could do 3 unassisted pull-ups and deadlift 1.5x her bodyweight! She also eliminated bars and other processed food substitutes and started to make an effort to eat real, whole foods for nutritious meals that truly fueled her day to day activities and weekly training.

LEFT: Before / RIGHT: After 

Listen to her full success story in the video below…