Why You Need Carbs


With the rise in popularity of the Ketogenic diet, and the increase of metabolic disease as a result of the Standard American Diet, we have been trained to think that:

Carbs are evil.

Carbs make us fat.

Carbs are not evil and carbs alone do not make you fat.

Rather, overeating food and carbs in general combined with not enough exercise, daily movement, and elevated cortisol+insulin, and possible thyroid dysfunction can cause weight gain or weight loss resistance.

Your body needs carbs and in fact, your brain actually prefers carbs as fuel.

Have you ever attended an intellectually intensive conference, workshop, or seminar, or studied for a class or an exam and then felt mentally depleted and craved pizza or pasta?

That’s because your brain used energy and needs you to replenish it with carbs.

Your body burns about 20 grams of carbohydrates per hour and needs about 80-100 grams of carbohydrates per day to support basic metabolic functions. (e.g. Glucose is an essential fuel for your brain, neurons, red blood cells, kidneys, and pancreas.)

Your body CAN make glucose from protein. BUT, if you are active (8-10k steps per day), and strength training 4-5 times per week, then you need to eat adequate carbohydrates to support your body’s activity and for recovery.

The RDA for carbs is 130 grams per day, which is actually the maximum considering that the majority of Americans are sedentary.

A good rule of thumb to follow is that if you are eating carbohydrates in an amount above the RDA of 130 grams per day, that you need to do an hour of exercise for every 40 – 70 grams of carbohydrates consumed above 130 grams per day.

When choosing starchy carbs (vs. vegetables) go for healthy carbs high in fiber like steel cut oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potato, buckwheat, beans, oat bran, sprouted grain bread, berries, etc.

Although, before and after your workouts you can get away with having fast digesting sugary carbs like higher glycemic fruits, fruit juice, chocolate milk, and even things like gummy worms (*cringe*).

HOWEVER, I coach my clients to stick to the healthy high fiber carbs.

If you need help with your nutrition, and/or you’re looking to reboot your nutrition and exercise routine to feel great, build the body of your dreams, and kick-ass at midlife, I have two 1:1 Fitness Coaching spots available.

To work with me, apply >> HERE <<

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