I Used To Hate To Wear Shorts

I used to hate to wear shorts.

There was a time in my life, not too long ago, that you would not catch me wearing shorts, pretty much EVER.

When I was in high school and during my years dancing ballet, I absolutely hated my legs. I thought they were big, fat, and got in the way.

I honestly did not start to truly appreciate them until I started powerlifting when I was 39 and one day, while I was doing back squats, my powerlifting coach commented that I had the best quads in the building.

That’s when I stopped seeing my legs as big and fat and started seeing my legs as strong and powerful.

After I moved to Las Vegas, I started to wear shorts ALL THE TIME. Especially when I exercised.

Then one day, while I was living in Vegas, I went to a group fitness class and noticed my legs in the full-length mirror.

I couldn’t believe that the legs I saw were MY LEGS.

They were lean, ripped, and STRONG! 

I had all the muscles in my legs that I envied on my husband Eric’s legs! 

Eric has THE BEST legs.

AND THEN, I in that moment, I remembered how one time a MAN commented on one of my IG posts that I, a WOMAN, had his leg goals!! 

His exact words were, “I’m really not embarrassed to admit that this woman has my leg goals. Looking awesome!”

After I started to see my legs as strong, I embraced the beauty of their strength, but it still took me years to finally appreciate them in all of their powerful glory.

Since the day that my powerlifting coach set me straight about my juicy quads, I have trained legs almost every day in my training, and once short season arrives, it shows.

In case you missed it, Metabolic Muscle is here and pretty much every day is leg day with Metabolic Muscle.

You definitely don’t want to miss leg day because your legs are the largest muscle group and training them regularly can turn your body into a muscle building, calorie burning furnace.

Metabolic Muscle includes compound movements and single leg movements to help you build legs that you will definitely want to show off during shorts season.

For a limited time, through this Sunday May 19 at 11:59pm CDT, I am offering 33% off the bundle of Metabolic Muscle + Iron Body Abs.

Check out Metabolic Muscle >> HERE <<

I know you will love this program just as much as I do!

The bundle is a great deal and ends in 48 hours!