On January 11, I Turned 48 Years Old🎂

On January 11, I turned 48 years old🎂.

People say that as you get older, time goes by faster. I wholeheartedly agree because I don’t know how it’s possible that my 40’s are almost over. I feel like I just turned 40. I likely now have more years behind me than ahead of me, and that scares the crap out of me.

I’ll confess, as I approached this birthday, for the first time in my life, I felt OLD.

Then while I was feeling old and sorry for myself (haha😉) I watched JLo’s Netflix documentary “Halftime” for the second time. This time around, being closer to 50, I saw it differently

I watched JLo run around, rehearse, dance, do lifts, night shoots for movies, train with her trainer, keep up with her PR appearances, and fly back and forth between LA and Miami. All I could think was, “Her 50 year old body must feel like it’s been run over by a truck!”. BUT, she kept on pushing, achieving, living life, and showing her ultimate badassery.

At that time, all of her hard work over the past years came together to deliver the best of the best yet and SHE felt like she was in her prime.

She was unstoppable.

Now, maybe you’re thinking, “Yeah, but she’s JLo and she has all the money in the world and a team to keep her feeling good etc.”

I do not care if she lives in a house that is one giant infrared sauna to help with recovery and counter aging, she is still a 50 year old woman, in a 50 year old body, that feels like a 50 year old HUMAN body, rehearsing to perform, day in and day out, at the Superbowl, AND keeping up with the rest of her crazy life.

Watching that documentary snapped me right out of my “Woe is me” moment and helped me to remember that there is so much beauty with being middle aged.

The sh*t show that was your 20’s is over.

You’re not leading with your ego and trying to prove anything like you did in your 30’s.

Instead, in your 40’s and 50’s, you might be older BUT you’re wiser, grounded, and more experienced with a treasure chest of accomplishments and lessons learned. Plus, you don’t worry about what people think because you have zero f***s left to give.

At 48, you are in your prime, and you still have plenty of years left to show the world your unstoppable badasseryđŸ”„.