You’ve Completed a Goal, What Next?


The week after I completed the Iron Maiden Challenge I posted on my Iron Body By Artemis Facebook Page about what do you do after you reach a goal?

If you missed my post about How I Completed The Iron Maiden Challenge As A Lightweight you can read it HERE.

SO, what do you do after you reach a goal?

You set new ones!

Out with the old, and in with the new!

Mindset is everything when working to achieve a goal AND when transitioning after you finish one goal and start the next one.

Definitely enjoy the high and sense of accomplishment after completing a goal and take a brief break from working so hard towards something, BUT have a plan for the next goal.

Having a plan will help you to keep this positive mindset and to avoid feeling lost or even a bit down after reaching a hard earned, long awaited goal.

A few weeks before the Iron Maiden Challenge on July 25, 2014 I started to think about what my next goals would be.

I knew it was important for me to have a plan after I accomplished this goal that I had been working towards for almost 3 years because when you’ve been working towards something for so long and then accomplish it, often there is a feeling of sadness or loss after the high of accomplishment has worn off.

I remember feeling this after obtaining my black belt test (which took me FOUR years to train and complete!) and it’s important not to let this feeling deter you from setting and working towards new goals.

It’s healthy and constructive to be working towards a goal and it helps to keep your training purposeful.  Often it’s good to have a few goals.  For example, maybe have an umbrella goal, like move well, get strong, and maintain health as you age, with a more specific strength or endurance goal under the umbrella goal that helps you to work towards your overall goal.

“To strive actively to achieve some goal gives your life meaning and substance.”, Bruce Lee

SO initially my goals were a 28kg (63lbs) weighted pull-up, a double 24kg (106lbs) kettlebell press, and a 32kg (70lbs) Turkish Get-up.

THEN I spent a weekend with strong family members, colleagues, and friends and a few suggested that I work towards all the Iron Maiden lifts with the 28kg – otherwise known as the IM Plus.  SO I added that to my list.

On August 10 I tested to see if I had the pistol squat and indeed I did!  So I can cross that one off the list.

28kg (63lbs) Pistol Squat

Since then I’ve adjusted my training program so that I can maintain and strengthen the 28kg pistol squat.  For example, I train pistol squats two times per week right now, so on one day I train heavy singles and on another day I train 3 sets of 3 repetitions.  On the day that I train heavy singles I ladder up to my heaviest single, which now is 28kg vs. 24kg.  On the day that I train 3 sets of 3 repetitions, I used to use 18kg (40lbs) now I have raised the weight to 20kg (44lbs).

There are a few other things that I do over the course of the week to train the pistol squat.  If you’d like to learn more about what these movements are, in addition to how did I adjusted programming for weighted pull-ups and pressing, in order to work towards all three lifts with 28kg, then I hope you’ll join me for my workshop I Am Not Afraid To Lift on November 8, 2014 Chez Moi at Iron Body Studios in Needham, MA.  The NYC I Am Not Afraid To Lift Workshop at Drive495 is sold out!

If you have a current strength goal that you are working towards, or need help deciding on one, this workshop will help you to decide on a strength goal and learn programming to work towards that strength goal.

I look forward to lifting with you on November 8!



Learn more HERE ==>

Register HERE under EVENTS ==>

Early bird pricing through October 1 – $149.00

Regular price after October 1 – $199.00

I will see you on November 8 & I look forward to lifting with you!

